(Botero, Relazione Universale, pp. 97,
[3] Martini says of Ganhai ('An-Hai or Ngan-Hai), "Ingens hic mercium ac
Sinensium navium copia est ... ex his ('Anhai and Amoy) in totam
Indiam merces avehuntur."
[4] Dr. Douglas assures me that the cut at p. 245 is an excellent
view of the entrance to the S. channel of the Chang-chau River,
though I derived it from a professed view of the mouth of the
Chinchew River. I find he is quite right; see List of
[5] In a modern Chinese geographical work abstracted by Mr. Laidlay, we
are told that the great river of Tsim-lo, or Siam, "penetrates
to a branch of the Hwang-Ho." (J.A.S.B. XVII. Pt. I. 157.)
[6] CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY of the Vernacular or Spoken language of
Amoy, with the principal variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew
Dialects; by the Rev. Carstairs Douglas, M.A., LL.D.,
Glasg., Missionary of the Presb. Church in England. (Truebner, 1873.)
I must note that I have not access to the book itself, but condense
these remarks from extracts and abstracts made by a friend at my