"On Vient De Voir Que
Ibn-Al-Baytar A Emprunte Ce Nom A Avicenne (980-1037) Qui Ecrivit Son
Canon De La Medecine Dans Les Premieres Annees Du XI'e Siecle.
ou Lowak nous est donc atteste sous le forme Lawaki ou Lowaki des le
X'e siecle, puis qu'il est mentionne, au debut du XI'e, par Avicenne qui
residait alors a Djurdjan, sur la Caspienne."
VIII., pp. 280-3.
The late Col. G.E. Gerini published in the J.R.A.S., July, 1905, pp.
485-511, a paper on the Nagarakretagama, a Javanese poem composed by a
native bard named Prapanca, in honour of his sovereign Hayam Wuruk
(1350-1389), the greatest ruler of Majapahit. He upsets all the theories
accepted hitherto regarding Panten. The southernmost portion of the Malay
Peninsula is known as the Malaya or Malayu country (Tanah-Malayu) =
Chinese Ma-li-yue-erh = Malayur = Maluir of Marco Polo, witness the river
Malayu (Sungei Malayu) still so called, and the village Bentan, both
lying there (ignored by all Col. Gerini's predecessors) on the northern
shore of the Old Singapore Strait. Col. Gerini writes (p. 509): "There
exists to this day a village Bentam on the mainland side of Singapore
Strait, right opposite the mouth of the Sungei Selitar, on the northern
shore of Singapore Island, it is not likely that both travellers [Polo and
Odoric] mistook the coast of the Malay Peninsula for an island. The island
of Pentam, Paten, or Pantem must therefore be the Be-Tumah (Island)
of the Arab Navigators, the Tamasak Island of the Malays; and, in short,
the Singapore Island of our day." He adds: "The island of Pentam cannot
be either Batang or Bitang, the latter of which is likewise mentioned by
Marco Polo under the same name of Pentam, but 60 + 30 = 90 miles before
reaching the former. Batang, girt all round by dangerous reefs, is
inaccessible except to small boats. So is Bintang, with the exception of
its south-western side, where is now Riau, and where, a little further
towards the north, was the settlement at which the chief of the island
resided in the fourteenth century. There was no reason for Marco Polo's
junk to take that roundabout way in order to call at such, doubtlessly
insignificant place. And the channel (i.e. Rhio Strait) has far more than
four paces' depth of water, whereas there are no more than two fathoms at
the western entrance to the Old Singapore Strait."
Marco Polo says (II., p. 280): "Throughout this distance [from Pentam]
there is but four paces' depth of water, so that great ships in passing
this channel have to lift their rudders, for they draw nearly as much
water as that." Gerini remarks that it is unmistakably the Old Singapore
Strait, and that there is no channel so shallow throughout all those
parts except among reefs. "The Old Strait or Selat Tebrau, says N.B.
Dennys, Descriptive Dict. of British Malaya, separating Singapore from
Johore. Before the settlement of the former, this was the only known route
to China; it is generally about a mile broad, but in some parts little
more than three furlongs. Crawford went through it in a ship of 400 tons,
and found the passage tedious but safe." Most of Sinologists, Beal,
Chavannes, Pelliot, Bul. Ecole Ext. Orient., IV., 1904, pp. 321-2,
323-4, 332-3, 341, 347, place the Malaiur of Marco Polo at Palembang in
VIII., pp. 281, n. 283 n.
"On a traduit Tanah Malayu par 'Pays des Malais,' mais cette
traduction n'est pas rigoureusement exacte. Pour prendre une expression
parallele, Tanah Djawa signifie 'Pays de Java,' mais non 'Pays des
"En realite, tanah 'terre, sol, pays, contree' s'emploie seulement avec
un toponyme qui doit etre rendu par un toponyme equivalent. Le nom des
habitants du pays s'exprime, en malais, en ajoutant oran 'homme,
personne, gens, numeral des etres humains' au nom du pays: 'oran
Malayu' Malais, litt. 'gens de Malayu'; oran Djawa Javanais, litt.
'gens de Java.' Tanah Malayu a done tres nettement le sens de 'pays de
Malayu'; cf. l'expression kawi correspondante dans le Nagarakretugama:
tanah ri Malayu 'pays de Malayu' ou chaque mot francais recouvre
exactement le substantif, la preposition et le toponyme de l'expression
kawi. Le tana Malayo de Barros s'applique donc a un pays determine du
nom de Malayu qui, d'apres l'auteur des Decades, etait situe entre
Djambi et Palemban. Nous savons, d'autre part, que le pays en question
avait sa capitale dans l'interieur de l'ile, mais qu'il s'etendait dans
l'Est jusqu'a la mer et que la cote orientale a ete designee par les
textes chinois du VII'e siecle sous le nom de Mo-lo-yeou, Mo-lo-yu =
Malayu, c'est-a-dire par le nom de l'Etat ou royaume dont elle faisait
partie." (G. FERRAND, J. As., July-Aug., 1918, pp. 72-73.)
VIII., p. 282.
See G. FERRAND, Malaka, le Malayu et Malayur, J.As., 1918. Besides
Malayu of Sumatra, there was a city of Malayur which M. Ferrand thinks is
VIII., p. 282 n. "This informs us that Malacca first acknowledged itself
as tributary to the Empire in 1405, the king being Sili-ju-eul-sula(?)."
In this name Si-li-ju-eul-su-la, one must read [Chinese] pa, instead of
[Chinese], and read Si-li-pa-eul-su-la = Siri Paramisura (Cri
Paramacvara). (PELLIOT, Bul. Ecole franc. Ext. Orient, IV., July-Sept.,
1904, p. 772.)
IX., p. 285. "They [the rhinoceros] do no mischief, however, with the
horn, but with the tongue alone; for this is covered all over with long
and strong prickles [and when savage with any one they crush him under
their knees and then rasp him with their tongue]."
"Its tongue is like the burr of a chestnut." (CHAU JU-KWA, P. 233.)
IX., p. 289.
In 1017, an embassy was sent to the Court of China by Haji Sumutrabhumi,
"the king of the land of Sumutra" (Sumatra). The envoys had a letter in
golden characters and tribute in the shape of pearls, ivory, Sanscrit,
books folded between boards, and slaves; by an imperial edict they were
permitted to see the emperor and to visit some of the imperial buildings.
When they went back an edict was issued addressed to their king,
accompanied by various presents, calculated to please them.
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