P. 291.)
[4] The construction is best seen in Figs. 17 and 19. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
in the cut are from Chinese sources; Figs. 6, 7, 8 from Arabic works;
the rest from European sources.
[5] Christine de Pisan says that when keeping up a discharge by night
lighted brands should be attached to the stones in order to observe and
correct the practice. (Livre des faits, etc., du sage Roy Charles,
Pt. II. ch. xxiv.)
[6] Professor Sprenger informs me that the first mention of the Manjanik
in Mahomedan history is at the siege of Tayif by Mahomed himself, A.D.
630 (and see Sprenger's Mohammed [German], III. 330). The Annales
Marbacenses in Pertz, xvii. 172, say under 1212, speaking of wars of
the Emperor Otho in Germany: "Ibi tunc cepit haberi usus instrumenti
bellici quod vulgo tribok appellari solet."
There is a ludicrous Oriental derivation of Manjanik, from the Persian:
"Man chi nek"! "How good am I!" Ibn Khallikan remarks that the word
must be foreign, because the letters j and k ([Arabic] and [Arabic])
never occur together in genuine Arabic words (Notes by Mr. E.
Thomas, F.R.S.). It may be noticed that the letters in question occur
together in another Arabic word of foreign origin used by Polo, viz.
[7] Dufour mentions that stone shot of the mediaeval engines exist at
Zurich, of 20 and 22 inches diameter.