The account of the royal monopoly in working the mines, etc., has
continued accurate down to our own day. When Murad Beg of Kunduz conquered
Badakhshan some forty years ago, in disgust at the small produce of the
mines, he abandoned working them, and sold nearly all the population of
the place into slavery! They continue still unworked, unless
clandestinely. In 1866 the reigning Mir had one of them opened at the
request of Pandit Manphul, but without much result.
The locality of the mines is on the right bank of the Oxus, in the
district of Ish Kashm and on the borders of SHIGNAN, the Syghinan of the
text. (P. Manph.; Wood, 206; N. Ann. des. V. xxvi. 300.)
[The ruby mines are really in the Gharan country, which extends along both
banks of the Oxus. Barshar is one of the deserted villages; the boundary
between Gharan and Shignan is the Kuguz Parin (in Shighai dialect means
"holes in the rock"); the Persian equivalent is "Rafak-i-Somakh." (Cf.
Captain Trotter, Forsyth's Mission, p. 277.) - H. C.]
NOTE 3. - The mines of Lajwurd (whence l'Azur and Lazuli) have been,
like the Ruby mines, celebrated for ages. They lie in the Upper Valley of
the Kokcha, called Koran, within the Tract called Yamgan, of which the
popular etymology is Hamah-Kan, or "All-Mines," and were visited by Wood
in 1838. The produce now is said to be of very inferior quality, and in
quantity from 30 to 60 poods (36 lbs each) annually.