Least where the various recensions bear so peculiar a relation to each
other as in this case, are essentially different; and that, on
reconsidering the matter after an interval of four or five years, the
plan which I have adopted, whatever be the faults of execution, still
commends itself to me as the only appropriate one.
Let Mr. de Khanikoff consider what course he would adopt if he were
about to publish Marco Polo in Russian. I feel certain that with
whatever theory he might set out, before his task should be concluded
he would have arrived practically at the same system that I have
[2] In Polo's diction C frequently represents H., e.g., Cormos = Hormuz;
Camadi probably = Hamadi; Caagiu probably = Hochau; Cacianfu =
Hochangfu, and so on. This is perhaps attributable to Rusticiano's
Tuscan ear. A true Pisan will absolutely contort his features in the
intensity of his efforts to aspirate sufficiently the letter C.
Filippo Villani, speaking of the famous Aguto (Sir J. Hawkwood), says
his name in English was Kauchouvole. (Murat. Script. xiv. 746.)
[3] In the Venetian dialect ch and j are often sounded as in English,
not as in Italian. Some traces of such pronunciation I think there
are, as in Coja, Carajan, and in the Chinese name Vanchu
(occurring only in Ramusio, supra, p. 99). But the scribe of the
original work being a Tuscan, the spelling is in the main Tuscan.