This incense-burner, which belonged to Baron
Davillier, who received it, as a present, from one of the keepers of the
Treasury of St. Mark's at Venice, is an octagonal ting from the Fo-kien
province, and of the time of the Sung Dynasty. By the kind permission of
M. P. Grandidier, we reproduce it from Pl. II. 6, of the Ceramique
chinoise, Paris, 1894, published by this learned amateur. - H. C.]
[1] 1. The Will is made in prospect of his voyage to Crete.
2. He had drafted his will with his own hand, sealed the draft, and
made it over to Pietro Pagano, priest of S. Felice and Notary, to draw
out a formal testament in faithful accordance therewith in case of the
Testator's death; and that which follows is the substance of the said
draft rendered from the vernacular into Latin. ("Ego Matheus Paulo ...
volens ire in Cretam, ne repentinus casus hujus vite fragilis me
subreperet intestatum, mea propria manu meum scripsi et condidi
testamentum, rogans Petrum Paganum ecclesie Scti. Felicis presbiterum
et Notarium, sana mente et integro consilio, ut, secundum ipsius
scripturam quam sibi tunc dedi meo sigillo munitam, meum scriberet
testamentum, si me de hoc seculo contigeret pertransire; cujus
scripture tenor translato vulgari in latinum per omnia talis est.")