Marco Polo's Itineraries, No. II. Routes between KERMAN and HORMUZ.
Marco Polo's Itineraries, No. III. Regions on and near the UPPER OXUS.
Heading, in the old Chinese seal-character, of an INSCRIPTION on a
Memorial raised by Kublai Kaan to a Buddhist Ecclesiastic, in the vicinity
of his summer-palace at SHANGTU in Mongolia. Reduced from a facsimile
obtained on the spot by Dr. S. W. Bushell, 1872, and by him lent to the
The CHO-KHANG. The grand Temple of Buddha at Lhasa, from The Journey to
Lhasa, by SARAT CHANDRA DAS, by kind permission of the Royal Geographical
"Table d'Or de Commandement;" the PAIZA of the MONGOLS, from a specimen
found in Siberia. Reduced to one-half the scale of the original, from an
engraving in a paper by I. J. Schmidt in the Bulletin de la Classe
Historico-Philologique de l'Acad. Imp. des Sciences, St. Petersbourg, tom.
iv. No. 9.
Second Example of a Mongol Paiza with superscription in the Uighur
character, found near the Dnieper River, 1845. From Trans. of the
Oriental Section, Imp. Soc. of Archaeology of St. Petersburg, vol. v. The
Inscription on this runs: "By the strength of Eternal Heaven, and thanks
to Its Great Power, the Man who obeys not the order of Abdullah shall be
guilty, shall die."
Plan of PEKING as it is, and as it was about A.D. 1290.
BANK-NOTE of the MING Dynasty, on one-half the scale of the original.
Reduced from a genuine note in the possession of the British Museum.