Nor was there any revival till the time of
Ching. The latter was a prince who in 1573 associated himself with the
astronomer Hing-yun-lu to reform the state of astronomy. (Gaubil.)
What Ricci has recorded (in Trigautius) of the dense ignorance of the
Chinese literati in astronomical matters is entirely consistent with
the preceding statements.
[7] I had entirely forgotten to look at Trigault till Mr. Wylie sent me
the extract. The copy I use (De Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas ...
Auct. Nicolao Trigautio) is of Lugdun. 1616. The first edition was
published at August. Vindelicorum (Augsburg) in 1615: the French, at
Lyons, in 1616.
[8] "Pinnulis."
[9] "Et stilus eo modo quo in horologiis ad perpendiculum collocatus."
[10] The Alidada is the traversing index bar which carries the
dioptra, pinnules, or sight-vanes. The word is found in some older
English Dictionaries, and in France and Italy is still applied to the
traversing index of a plane table or of a sextant. Littre derives it
from (Ar.) 'adad, enumeration; but it is really from a quite
different word, al-idadat [Arabic] "a door-post," which is found in
this sense in an Arabic treatise on the Astrolabe.