Stalactites, in cave of Kimanis;
in caves near Kandangan
Star, the Montreal, assistance given by reporter for
Stars, native belief concerning;
tatu-marks representing;
rice-planting season determined by
Statue, brass, of Hindu origin
Stealing, Dayak belief concerning punishment for;
of tin cans;
scruples about, overcome by Malay influence;
of expedition's moneybox;
among jungle people
Steamers: coaling of, in Japanese harbours;
unpleasant trip on Barito River;
voyage on a rattan transport;
the De Weert;
the Grotius;
the Otto;
the Selatan;
the Sophia
Steel trunk
Stew, native, katjang idju;
sambil goreng
Stones, believed to be alive
Story of the Bird Punai, folk-tale
alcohol from
Suicide among natives
Sultan of Bulungan, the, a visit to;
marriage of brother of
Sultanates established by Malays
Sumatra, formerly a part of Asia
Sumpitan, the (blow-pipe);
expert makers of;
method of holding;
poison for darts of;
the poison-carrying point;
the spear point on
Sun, belief concerning;
exposure to, feared by natives;
under equatorial, without head covering
Sungei Lobang
Sungei Paroi, preparation for journey to
Sword, short, of the Dayak
Tabedjeh, legend of
Tail, skin formation resembling
Tailed men, the, legend of;
no evidence of, found at Lake Sembulo
Talinka, folk-lore from
Tamaloe, the journey to;
arrival at;
kampong of, formed by Penyahbongs;
origin of the name;
usual occurrence of rain at;
animals and birds not plentiful at;
folk-tales from
Tamoans, the;
meaning of name;
scarcity of food of;
cholera ravages among;
superseded by Malays at Sembulo;
tatuing of
Tandjong Priok
Tandjong Selor
Tapang trees
Tapen Bini, Hindu remains at
Tapir, the
Tappin River, the
Tarsius borneanus