Onder, native subdistrict chief.
orang, man.
paddi, rice.
parang, Dayak short sword (= mandau).
pasang-grahan, public lodging-house.
pisau, small knife.
plandok, mouse-deer (tragulus).
prahu, native boat.
pumbakal, chief (= kapala).
raja, a native chief, or noble.
raja besar, big raja.
ringit, the Dutch coin of f. 2.50.
rupia, florin, guilder.
rusa, deer.
sambir, mat made from palm leaves.
sarong, a cloth wound around the loins.
sayur, vegetable stew.
sumpitan, blowpipe.
takut, timid.
ticcar, mat made from rattan.
tin, five-gallon tin can.
tingang, great hornbill.
tingeling, scaly ant-eater.
tuak, native rice brandy.
tuan, master, lord.
tuan besar, great master or lord.
tuba, root used for poisoning the water for fishing purposes.
utan, jungle, woods.
wah-wah, gibbon, a long-armed monkey.
wang, coin, money.
Aaton Kohang (antoh), tale of
Acidosis, cure of
Ado, harvest festival at
Adventures in Pursuit of Magic, folk-tale
Agility, of natives
Agriculture, vast possibilities for
Ah Sewey, photographer
Airplane, foreshadowed in folk-tale
Ajo River, the
Akieh, Doctor Tjon
Alcohol, from rice and from sugar-cane
Alfurs of Central Celebes, resemblance of Katingans to
Amban Klesau, boatman
Amenaran, folk-tale about
Amon Amang, the fatherless boy
Aneitjing, legend of
Animals, of Borneo;
of the jungle;
of Central Borneo;
laughing at, feared by Long-Glats;
Mrs. Meyer's collection of;
Dayak belief concerning souls of.
See also Blood of sacrificed animals
Annandale, Doctor N.
Ant-eater, the scaly;
supposed to bring good luck
Anthracite coal
Antiquities, Hindu
Antoh Who Married a Saputan, The, folktale
Antohs (good and evil spirits), various designations for;
shape usually assumed by;
kinds of;
haunts of;
sacrifices to attract good;
attracted by music and dancing;
the nagah;
the sangiang;
three birds that call;
disease caused by evil;
at ear-piercing operation;
singing to attract;
food offered to;
evil, ejected by singing;
represented on kapatongs;
flying prahu presented to;
sacrifice to, at rice-planting;
at harvest feast;
at funeral feast;
guarding the dead;
in crocodiles;
in trees;
representation of, on the sapundo;
placed in the world by, belief of natives;
the nagah in decorative designs;
names given to nagah by different tribes;
drawing of flying prahu presented to;
folktales about
Ants, in the jungle;
a raid by;
along Busang River
Apo Kayan
trading expedition from;
the garrison in;
head-hunting in;
relics from;
Oma-Sulings from;
home of the Long-Glats;
Kenyahs of;
the Oma-Lakans of
Aptitude, of natives
Arabs, in Borneo;
conversion of Java by
Artistic character of natives
Artocarpus integrifoha