But it lasted only a few seconds, although the chandeliers
continued to swing for a long time. At other places clocks stopped, and I
read in the papers that the vibration passed from south to north, damaging
native villages. In one town the tremors lasted three minutes and were the
worst that had occurred in thirty-four years, but when the disturbance
reached Soerabaia it was far less severe than one experienced in Los
Angeles, California, in April, 1918.
As is well known, the government of the Dutch Indies expends millions in
eradicating the plague, which is prevalent in portions of eastern Java. In
addition to exterminating the rats, it is necessary to demolish the bamboo
huts of the natives and move the inhabitants to new quarters. Houses of
wood are erected, lumber for the purpose being imported from Borneo in
great quantities. That the efforts have been crowned with success is
indicated from the reports issued in 1916, showing that plague cases had
been reduced seventy per cent.
Returning to Bandjermasin toward the end of October, I began to make
arrangements for a journey to Lok Besar, in a hilly region of the
Northeast at the source of the Riam Kiwa River.