adat, precept, regulation, religious observance.
antoh, spirit, good or evil.
atap, a shelter, consisting of a mat resting on upright saplings,
often erected in the boats on long journeys.
babi, pig.
badak, rhinoceros.
balei, a general name for a house of worship.
barang, goods, things, belongings.
blanga, large, valuable jar, usually of Chinese manufacture.
blian, priest-doctor.
bom, custom-house.
brua, soul.
chavat, loin-cloth.
company (the), the government.
cranyang, basket.
damar, resin.
gutshi, large jar.
inlander, native.
ipoh, poison for the dart of the blowpipe, also the tree from
which it is secured (the upas tree).
kali, river.
kampong, native village.
kapala, chief (= pumbakal).
kidyang, a small kind of deer.
kiham, rapids.
kuala, mouth of a river.
ladang, paddi field.
laki, man, male.
lombok, red pepper.
mandau, Dayak short sword (= parang).
mandur, overseer.
nagah, fabulous animal, the apparition of a spirit.
onder, native subdistrict chief.
orang, man.
paddi, rice.
parang, Dayak short sword (= mandau).
pasang-grahan, public lodging-house.
pisau, small knife.
plandok, mouse-deer (tragulus).
prahu, native boat.
pumbakal, chief (= kapala).
raja, a native chief, or noble.
raja besar, big raja.
ringit, the Dutch coin of f. 2.50.
rupia, florin, guilder.
rusa, deer.
sambir, mat made from palm leaves.
sarong, a cloth wound around the loins.
sayur, vegetable stew.
sumpitan, blowpipe.
takut, timid.
ticcar, mat made from rattan.
tin, five-gallon tin can.
tingang, great hornbill.
tingeling, scaly ant-eater.
tuak, native rice brandy.
tuan, master, lord.
tuan besar, great master or lord.
tuba, root used for poisoning the water for fishing purposes.
utan, jungle, woods.
wah-wah, gibbon, a long-armed monkey.
wang, coin, money.
Aaton Kohang (antoh), tale of
Acidosis, cure of
Ado, harvest festival at
Adventures in Pursuit of Magic, folk-tale
Agility, of natives
Agriculture, vast possibilities for
Ah Sewey, photographer
Airplane, foreshadowed in folk-tale
Ajo River, the
Akieh, Doctor Tjon
Alcohol, from rice and from sugar-cane
Alfurs of Central Celebes, resemblance of Katingans to
Amban Klesau, boatman
Amenaran, folk-tale about
Amon Amang, the fatherless boy
Aneitjing, legend of
Animals, of Borneo;
of the jungle;
of Central Borneo;
laughing at, feared by Long-Glats;
Mrs. Meyer's collection of;
Dayak belief concerning souls of.
See also Blood of sacrificed animals
Annandale, Doctor N.
Ant-eater, the scaly;
supposed to bring good luck
Anthracite coal
Antiquities, Hindu
Antoh Who Married a Saputan, The, folktale
Antohs (good and evil spirits), various designations for;
shape usually assumed by;
kinds of;
haunts of;
sacrifices to attract good;
attracted by music and dancing;
the nagah;
the sangiang;
three birds that call;
disease caused by evil;
at ear-piercing operation;
singing to attract;
food offered to;
evil, ejected by singing;
represented on kapatongs;
flying prahu presented to;
sacrifice to, at rice-planting;
at harvest feast;
at funeral feast;
guarding the dead;
in crocodiles;
in trees;
representation of, on the sapundo;
placed in the world by, belief of natives;
the nagah in decorative designs;
names given to nagah by different tribes;
drawing of flying prahu presented to;
folktales about
Ants, in the jungle;
a raid by;
along Busang River
Apo Kayan
trading expedition from;
the garrison in;
head-hunting in;
relics from;
Oma-Sulings from;
home of the Long-Glats;
Kenyahs of;
the Oma-Lakans of
Aptitude, of natives
Arabs, in Borneo;
conversion of Java by
Artistic character of natives
Artocarpus integrifoha
Asia: Borneo, Java and Sumatra formerly parts of
Astronomical device for determining best time for rice-planting
Auguries. See Omens.
Australia, sun disregarded by blacks of
Baggage, story of excessive charge for carrying;
opening of many pieces of
Bahandang, arrival at
Bahau River, the;
inhabited at source only;
tribes from
Bahau tribes, the
Bahau-Kenyah tribe
Bakas (hereditary rajas)
Bakkaang River, the
Bakompai, the;
characteristics of
Balei, the (house of worship)
Balik Papan, oil-producing centre
Balok tribe, the
Bamboo, abundance of, in Borneo;
sumpitan darts carried in cases made of;
food cooked in;
uses of split;
tent protected by;
bandage made from;
Banana, rice wrapped in leaves of;
omens taken with leaves
Bandjermasin, population of;
founding of;
principal town in Dutch Borneo;
meaning of the name;
the hotel in;
climate of;
church and museum in;
Protestant and Catholic missionaries in;
departure for;
return to;
epidemic of cholera at;
final start from;
a journey through the country northeast of;
the cats and dogs in
Bangkal, natives from;
different tribes in;
the Tamoans of;
epidemic of cholera at
Banglan, fight of, with crocodile
Bangsul, boatman
Banquet, given by controleur at Sampit
Baren, Controleur, heads presented to
Barito River, the;
the journey up;
rapids of
Basap tribe, the
Baskets, bamboo, designs on
Batavia, arrival at;
departure from;
return to;
Hindu statues presented to museum at
Bathing, in the tropics;
frequent, of natives;
a visit from native women at time for
Bato-Pola tribe, the
Bats, in the jungle;
in caves of Kong Beng
Batu Boa
Beads, necklaces of;
cradle decorated with;
valuable old
as food;
strange animal resembling;
gall of, used as medicine
Beards, on natives
Belimbing, village of
Berg, Dr. Afred
Berger, Mr., experience of, with ironwood floors
green peas used to counteract;
polished rice as cause of;
curing of crew of Kronprinz Wilhelm stricken with;
epidemic of, at Sembulo;
in prison at Sampit
Beringan, the pasang grahan at;
elevation at
Betel, chewing of;
betel box on kapatongs
Biha, the Murungs at
Birds, of Borneo;
kept in houses;
caught in snares;
worship of;
antoh called and fed by;
seen along Busang River;
argus pheasant;
the punai;
white-tail pheasant;
the raja;
the teong;
Mrs. Meyer's collection of;
folktales about
Blacksmiths, Dayaks, skilful;
art of, dying out among Saputans
Blangas, valuable old
Blarey, Penihing chief
Blatei River, the
Blians (priest-doctors), male and female;
possessed by good antohs;
constant occupation of;
shield of;
dress of Murung;
dance of;
among the Penyahbongs;
Saputan belief in;
at great triennial festival;
rice-throwing by;
march of;
funeral of;
methods practised by, for cure of disease;
singing of;
juggling of;
the usual remuneration of;
wooden statues used by Murung
Blood of sacrificed animals,
smeared on principals of any feast or ceremony;
on kapatongs;
on stones;
at marriage ceremony;
at rice-planting;
at harvest feast