Unbeaten Tracks In Japan By Isabella L. Bird

 -   The ears are then rubbed between the hands.
In this region the wheat was winnowed altogether by hand, and after - Page 56
Unbeaten Tracks In Japan By Isabella L. Bird - Page 56 of 417 - First - Home

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The Ears Are Then Rubbed Between The Hands. In This Region The Wheat Was Winnowed Altogether By Hand, And After The Wind Had Driven The Chaff Away, The Grain Was Laid Out On Mats To Dry.

Sickles are not used, but the reaper takes a handful of stalks and cuts them off close to the ground with a short, straight knife, fixed at a right angle with the handle.

The wheat is sown in rows with wide spaces between them, which are utilised for beans and other crops, and no sooner is it removed than daikon (Raphanus sativus), cucumbers, or some other vegetable, takes its place, as the land under careful tillage and copious manuring bears two, and even three, crops, in the year. The soil is trenched for wheat as for all crops except rice, not a weed is to be seen, and the whole country looks like a well-kept garden. The barns in this district are very handsome, and many of their grand roofs have that concave sweep with which we are familiar in the pagoda. The eaves are often eight feet deep, and the thatch three feet thick. Several of the farm-yards have handsome gateways like the ancient "lychgates" of some of our English churchyards much magnified. As animals are not used for milk, draught, or food, and there are no pasture lands, both the country and the farm-yards have a singular silence and an inanimate look; a mean-looking dog and a few fowls being the only representatives of domestic animal life.

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