He Was
Not Five Paces From Me; I Took A Steady Shot At Him With My Last Barrel,
And I Immediately Bolted As Hard As I Could Run.
This shot once more
floored him, but he must have borne a charmed life, as he again
recovered his legs, and to my great satisfaction he turned into the
jungle and retreated.
This all happened in a few seconds; had it been
daylight I could of course have killed him, but as it happened I could
not even dis tinguish the sights at the end of my rifle. In a few
minutes afterwards, it became pitch dark, and we could only steer for
the cave by the light of the fire, which was nearly two miles distant.
The next day, we found a herd of eight elephants in very favourable
ground, and succeeded in killing seven; but this was the last herd in
the Park, and after a few days spent in beating up the country without
success, I returned to Newera Ellia, the bag being twenty-two elephants
during a trip of three weeks, in addition to deer, hogs, buffalo, and
small game, which had afforded excellent sport.
Another Trip to the Park-A Hard Day's Work-Discover a Herd-Death of the
Herd-A Furious Charge-Caught at Last-The Consequences-A Thorough
Rogue-Another Herd in High Lemon Grass-Bears-A Fight between a Moorman
and a Bear-A Musical Herd-Herd Escape-A Plucky Buck-Death of `Killbuck'
-Good Sport with a Herd-End of the Trip.
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