Continuation of Proceedings at Fort Enterprise.
Some Account of the Copper Indians.
Preparations for the Journey to the Northward.
Departure from Fort Enterprise.
Navigation of the Copper-Mine River.
Visit to the Copper Mountain.
Interview with the Esquimaux.
Departure of the Indian Hunters.
Arrangements made with them for our Return.
Navigation of the Polar Sea, in two Canoes, as far as Cape Turnagain, to
the Eastward, a distance exceeding Five Hundred and Fifty Miles.
Observations on the probability of a North-West Passage.
Journey across the barren grounds.
Difficulty and delay in crossing Copper-Mine River.
Melancholy and Fatal Results thereof.
Extreme Misery of the whole Party.
Murder of Mr. Hood.
Death of several of the Canadians.
Desolate State of Fort Enterprise.
Distress suffered at that Place.
Dr. Richardson's Narrative.
Mr. Back's Narrative.
His Majesty's Government having determined upon sending an Expedition
from the Shores of Hudson's Bay by land to explore the Northern Coast of
America from the Mouth of the Copper-Mine River to the eastward, I had
the honour to be appointed to this service by Earl Bathurst, on the
recommendation of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty; who at the
same time nominated Doctor John Richardson, a Surgeon in the Royal Navy,
Mr. George Back, and Mr. Robert Hood, two Admiralty Midshipmen, to be
joined with me in the enterprise.