It is divided into 25 kingdoms or provinces named Mongas,
Baroe, Manica, Boese, Macingo, Remo, Chique, Chiria, Chidima, Boquizo,
Inhanzo, Chiruvia, Condesaca, Daburia, Macurumbe, Mungussi, Antiovaza,
Chove, Chungue, Dvia, Romba, Rassini, Chirao, Mocaranga and
[Footnote 387: According to modern maps, the Zambeze divides the empire
of Mocaranga, the sovereign of which is called Monomotapa, from the
empire of the Bororos; and the river Chireira or Manzara on the south of
the Zambeze, which it joins, is entirely confined to the country of
Mocaranga. - E.]
[Footnote 388: Sena is 220 English miles from the sea; Tete is 260 miles
higher up: so that this great river is navigable for 480 miles, probably
for small vessels only. - E.]
[Footnote 389: Massapa is the name of a Portuguese fort or settlement on
the river Mocaras, a branch of the Chireira, in the interior of
Mocaranga. Anfur or Fura is a mountain about 100 miles from Massapa,
said to contain rich gold mines. - E.]
[Footnote 390: Luanze is about 100 miles south from Tete, on one of the
branches of the Chireira. - E.]
[Footnote 391: Bacuto is 40 miles south of Luanze.