A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 3 - By Robert Kerr

 -  For
this purpose Ordas and Montejo went through among all the officers and
soldiers, and persuaded them to allow of - Page 780
A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 3 - By Robert Kerr - Page 780 of 789 - First - Home

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For This Purpose Ordas And Montejo Went Through Among All The Officers And Soldiers, And Persuaded Them To Allow Of The Whole Treasure Being Sent To The King, As It Was For The General Interest To Renounce Our Claim For A Partition.

Puertocarrera and Montejo were appointed agents for Cortes and the army, our general having gained Montejo to his party by a present of 2000 crowns.

By these gentlemen Cortes sent a letter to his majesty, the contents of which we were not made acquainted with. The cabilda or council of the new settlement wrote also a letter to the king, in conjunction with those soldiers who were most solicitous for the settlement of the colony, and had voted in the election of Cortes as captain-general. Nothing was omitted in this letter which seemed calculated to establish our cause at court, and my name was signed to it along with the rest.

Beginning with expressions of our most profound respect, we related all the events which had occurred from our setting out on the expedition, down to the election of Cortes as our captain-general, till the pleasure of his majesty might be made known on the subject, together with our engagement to allow Cortes a fifth part of the treasure, after deducting the kings part. We gave an account of our having discovered two Spaniards in the country; of our having procured two excellent interpreters; of our war in Tabasco; of the interviews with the messengers of Montezuma; our march into the country, and our alliance with the natives, who had renounced their allegiance to Montezuma and submitted themselves and their country to his majesty; of our expedition to Cincapacinga; the abolition of idolatry at Chiahuitztla, and the establishment of Christianity; the construction of our fortress of Villa Rica; and of our present determination to march to the court of Montezuma, the great sovereign of Mexico.

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