IX. The strange expedition of Juan Ponce de Leon in search of the
Fountain of Youth, in which he discovered Florida and the Bahama
X. The martyrdom of two Dominican Friars on the coast of Venezuela,
through the avarice of the Spaniards.
XI. Discoveries on the continent of America, by command of Velasquez,
under the conduct of Francis Hernandez de Cordova.
XII. Farther discoveries on the continent by Juan Grijalva, under the
orders of Velasquez, by which a way is opened to Mexico or New Spain.
CHAP. V. History of the discovery and conquest of Mexico, written in the
year 1568, by Captain Bernal Diaz del Castillo, one of the conquerors,
Introduction, Preface by the Author.
I. Expedition of Hernandez de Cordova in 1517.
II. Expedition of Juan de Grijalva in 1518.
III. Commencement of the expedition of Hernando Cortes for the conquest
of Mexico, in 1518.
IV. Arrival of the armament at St Juan de Ulua, and account of
occurrences at that place.
V. The Spanish army advances into the country; an account of their
proceedings before commencing their march to Mexico.
[1] By error of the press, a considerable part of this Section is
marked in the running title as Section V. and the next is numbered
Section VI. so that, numerically only, Section V; is entirely omitted.