A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 3 - By Robert Kerr

 -  All the inhabitants
considered it as a great honour to their city that the admiral had sailed
from thence, and - Page 140
A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 3 - By Robert Kerr - Page 140 of 789 - First - Home

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All The Inhabitants Considered It As A Great Honour To Their City That The Admiral Had Sailed From Thence, And That Most Of His Men Belonged To The Place, Although Many Of Them, Through The Instigations Of Pinzon, Had Been Mutinous And Disobedient.

It so happened that about the same time that the admiral arrived at Palos, Pinzon had arrived with the Pinta in Galicia, and designed to have gone by himself to Barcelona to carry the news of the expedition to their Catholic majesties.

But he received orders not to come to court, unless along with the admiral with whom he had been sent upon the discovery; at which he was so mortified and disappointed that he returned indisposed to his native country, where he died shortly after of grief. But before Pinzon got to Palos the admiral had set out for Seville, designing to go from thence to Barcelona where their majesties then resided, and he was forced to make several short stops by the way, to gratify the importunate curiosity and admiration of the people, who flocked from all the towns in the neighbourhood wherever he went, to see him and the Indians and the other things he had brought with him. Thus holding on his way, the admiral reached Barcelona about the middle of April, having before sent to their highnesses on account of the happy success of his voyage. This was very pleasing to them, and they ordered him to be received in the most distinguished manner, as a person who had done them such signal service. All the court and city went out to meet and welcome him, and to escort him in honourable triumph to the royal presence.

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