In this voyage, as already mentioned, Ojeda was
accompanied by Americus Vespucius, who usurped the right of giving the
New World his own name America, which still continues universal.
1500. Cabral, a Portuguese admiral, while on a voyage to India,
accidentally discovered Brazil.
In this year likewise, Corte de Real, a Portuguese navigator,
discovered Labradore, while in search of a north-west passage to India.
1502. Fourth, voyage of COLUMBUS, in which he discovered the
continental coast, from Honduras to near the Isthmus of Darien.
1513. Vasco Nunez de Balboa, descried the Pacific Ocean, or great
South Sea, and waded into the waves, taking formal possession for the
crown of Spain; and even embarked on that ocean in a canoe, as a more
formal act of conquest.
In the same year, Florida was first discovered by Ponce de Leon, a
Spanish officer.
1515. The continent of South America was explored down to the Rio de
la Plata.
1519. Cortez began the conquest of Mexico, which he accomplished in
About the same time, Magalhaens, usually named Magellan, explored the
Pacific Ocean.
1526. Pizarro visited the coast of Peru, which he invaded in 1530,
and afterwards conquered.
[1] Churchills Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. II. 479.
[2] From Pinkertons Modern Geography.
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