Things as any one had, and in fact that I had
already done that would be required, and had gotten out everything
that I thought was necessary to be gotten out from the bush.
However at last I said that I would go if I got a dog team. So I
got ready to start to go for the canoe.
Wallace told me, "You see, if when you went up, if you had dug up
the canoe out of the snow and put it up on a stage, you wouldn't
have to go up again."
I said, "I do not have to go up again. It is not long since I had
my trip up there. I think I have done my part."
I was to start Tuesday, April 12th.
Monday, April 1lth. - Mr. Wallace wrote a letter and wrote to John
Groves telling him to be at Northwest River at such a day, about
the time we would be out with the canoe from Grand Lake and Beaver
River. Sent his letter up by Carl Hope.
Tuesday, April 12th. - A pile snowing and we could not go. Mark
Blake and I were to start this morning but too stormy.