24 degrees. Snow by squalls all
day. Wind W. Caught twelve good trout while boys were breaking
camp. Diarrhoea, which attacked me yesterday, came back when I
started to carry the canoe. Had to drop it and became very weak.
Boys went on with it about 1 1/4 miles and came back. We camped on
long lake. I huddled by fire and wrote when it was not snowing.
We can catch up to our schedule if I am able to travel to-morrow
for it is only an easy march, covered in less than a day before.
All talking about home, all happy to be going there.
Wednesday, September 30th. - Boys carried canoe nearly to Pike Lake,
while I made camp and went back and forth three times to bring up
packs. Then a happy camp nearer home. To-night we planned, in
case we have a long wait in St. John's to get rooms for light
housekeeping and not go to hotel. Then we can cook what we want
and need and live high - beef bones for caribou, cereals with real
cream, rich muscle-making stews of rice, beef, etc., tomatoes, etc.
Thursday, October 1st. - Temp. 40 degrees. Crossed to Pike Lake
this A.M. Lunch on west side, last of fish. Nothing now left but
pea meal. Crossed lake, no trail on east side, hoping to get trout
where I took a mess in outlet coming up. Not a nibble. Too cold
or something.