The third yeare wee went out
with a new company in 2 small vessells, my Brother in one & I in another, &
wee went together 400 leagues from the North of Ireland, where a sudden
great storme did rise & put us asunder. The sea was soe furious 6 or 7
houres after that it did almost overturne our ship, so that wee were forced
to cut our masts rather then cutt our lives; but wee came back safe, God be
thanked, and the other, I hope, is gone on his voyage, God be with him. I
hope to embarke myselfe by the helpe of God this fourth yeare, & I beseech
him to grant me better successe then I have had hitherto, & beseech him to
give me Grace & to make me partaker of that everlasting happinesse which is
the onely thing a man ought to look after.
I have here put the names of severall Nations amongst which I have been for
the most part, which I think may extend to some 900 leagues by the
reckoning of my Travells.
The names of the Nations that live in the South: -
Avieronons. Khionontateronons. Oscovarahronoms.
Aviottronons. Ohcrokonanechronons. Huattochronoms.
Anontackeronons. Ahondironons. Skinchiohronoms.