I pray the Lord to keep the life of Your Excellency many years.
San Blas, November 9, 1775.
Juan Manuel de Ayala.
To His Excellency, Bailio Frey Don Antonio Maria Bucareli.
Description of the Newly-discovered Port of San Francisco
Situated in Latitude 37deg. 53' North, Longitude 17deg. 10' West of San Blas
Lieutenant Don Juan Manuel Ayala
Placed about two leagues west-southwest of Point Almejas[52], latitude
37deg. 42', the following is to be seen: First that it[53] is large, with
two red barrancas[54], and second, that to the north there are three
white rocks at a stone's throw[55]. From that point the coast runs
north-northeast, forming a small harbor in which there are five
submerged rocks close to its shore; above it some white barrancas[56],
ending in a sloping bill which top, to the north, is what is called
Angel Point[57]. This has near it several rocks[58], the furtherest one
a gunshot distant. From this point there is a harbor sufficient to
accommodate any vessel[59], not only on account of its bottom, but because
it is sheltered from all winds excepting those from the west-southwest.
The middle of this harbor is to the northwest, where a copious creek
empties[60]; the point runs northeast 1/4 east.