From 1582 to 1700 the difference between O.S. and N.S. was ten (10) days
(the leap-year being passed in 1600). From 1700 to 1800 it was eleven
(11) days, because 1700 in O.S. was leap-year. From 1800 to 1900 the
difference is twelve (12) days, and from 1900 to 2000 it will be thirteen
(13) days. All the Dutch dates were New Style, while English dates were
yet of the Old Style.
There are three editions of Bradford's "History of Plimoth Plantation"
referred to herein; each duly specified, as occasion requires. (There
is, beside, a magnificent edition in photo-facsimile.) They are: -
(a) The original manuscript itself, now in possession of the State of
Massachusetts, having been returned from England in 1897, called herein
"orig. MS."
(b) The Deane Edition (so-called) of 1856, being that edited by the late
Charles Deane for the Massachusetts Historical Society and published in
"Massachusetts Historical Collections," vol. iii.; called herein "Deane's
(c) The Edition recently published by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
and designated as the "Mass.