It did not appear to us this time
necessary to deal with them exceptionally.
"'With reference to the third and last point - the concessions of the
right of fishing in provincial waters - we considered the equivalent
proposed for so very valuable a right to be utterly inadequate. The
admission of a few unimportant articles free, with the establishment of
a scale of high duties as proposed, would not, in our opinion, have
justified us in yielding this point.
"'While we regret this unfavourable termination of the negociations, we
are not without hope that, at no distant day, they may be resumed with
a better prospect of a satisfactory result.
"'We have the honour to be,
"'Your Excellency's most obedient Servants,
"'A. T. GALT, Minister of Finance, Canada.
"'W. P. HOWLAND, Postmaster General, Canada.
"'W. A. HENRY, Attorney General, Nova Scotia,
"'A. J. SMITH, Attorney General, New Brunswick.
"'To His Excellency, SIR FREDERICK BRUCE, K.C.B., &c., &c., &c.'"
"'The trade between the United States and the British Provinces should,
it is believed, under ordinary circumstances, be free in reference to
their natural productions; but as internal taxes exceptionally exist in
the United States, it is now proposed that the articles embraced in the
free list of the Reciprocity Treaty should continue to be exchanged,
subject only to such duties as may be equivalent to that internal