"As To The Suitability Of An Immense Portion Of The District West Of
Fort Garry For Eligible Settlement, Governor Dallas
- Who has now made
journeys of 1,800 miles in the last year - has no doubt whatever; and I
That the old traditional phantoms of inhospitable deserts will be
finally dismissed from the minds of the new Governor and Committee,
especially when they have before them the many letters and reports in
evidence of the true state of affairs, which must be in possession of
the Company in Fenchurch Street.
"As regards telegraphic communication, I have made every inquiry
necessary upon the subject, and Governor Dallas agrees with my views of
the importance of connecting the Hudson's Bay posts by telegraphic
"Subject to further discussion, I may indicate my opinion that the
route suggested by Governor Dallas through the Hudson's Bay territory,
viz., from Jasper House by Edmonton, Carlton, and Fort Pitt to Fort
Garry, would be the proper route for a telegraph.
"This portion, as it seems to me, should be constructed at once, and by
the Hudson's Bay Company.
"Were it to be constructed in Canada, it would not cost more than
15,000l. sterling. It may cost less, though in some cases it may
cost more, through your territory; though I am inclined to think that
it may be constructed for 20,000l. as an outside sum, and that
it is impossible that the cost of this portion of the work should
exceed 30,000l. in any event.
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