"To carry out these arrangements, it would be necessary to set aside in
trust about 150,000l. stock. But the Company would lose nothing
by it, as they would save in salaries what they gave in dividends.
"At the outset only 35,000l. of the stock would be called for,
with an increase of 5,400l. per annum. Even allowing for a
considerable retired list, it is doubtful if the whole 150,000l.
would ever be appropriated; and of course the dividends on whatever
portion was not appropriated would revert to the Company.
"In the revision of the deed poll, it would be essential to retain the
clauses which secure to the Company the right to place officers on the
retired list, and to dismiss them for misconduct.
"The mode of keeping the accounts, both in London and in the country,
is one of much importance, requiring early consideration. At present
there are no accounts, properly speaking, kept at the posts; and very
great delay occurs in ascertaining the results of the business from
London. It is essential to introduce some system of analysed post
accounts, which should keep the Governor and his Council fully informed
of the state of the business at every post, and by which they might
judge of the management of the officers in charge.