worthy chief of the government must be gratified at the success of his
wise policy in encouraging this movement, which could not fail to be of
great profit to Canadians, and he felt sure that no vote would be more
heartily given than the vote of thanks to Lord Rayleigh, which he had
much pleasure in seconding.
Sir Wm Thomson put the motion, which was adopted unanimously amidst loud
Lord Rayleigh returned thanks for the honour done him, and the meeting
adjourned until Friday next, when Professor Ball will deliver a lecture.
* * * * *
It was not very surprising that after all this excitement I had a very
bad night and awoke quite ill Thursday morning, remained all day in bed
nursing and starving, and could not, therefore, go to two afternoon
parties for which we had invitations, nor to the grand evening reception
at the college. This morning I am feeling quite well, and it is pouring
with rain.
_Friday Evening_. - After luncheon Dr. P. Smith called and went
with me to Section A, but we were too late to hear John's paper - He told
me that he and E - - start for Quebec to-night after a lecture on "Dust,"
and stay at the Lansdownes for the festivities there (we three have
settled not to go), and return Sunday evening.