Gentleman then in language of forcible eloquence
referred to the pleasure shown by English-Canadians at the success of
Mr. Frechette, and concluded a highly intellectual and eloquent
speech, amidst the reiterated cheers of the whole assemblage.
The Chairman then proposed the toast of English and French literature.
Mr. George Stewart, jr., who on rising was greeted with cheers,
said: -
MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN: - I must thank you for the very
enthusiastic manner in which you have just drank to this toast, and
for the cordiality with which you have been good enough to receive my
name. Before asking you to consider with me the subject which has just
been so happily proposed from the chair, I would ask your permission
to say how gratified I am at being present, this evening, to assist
you in paying homage to one whom we all delight to honour, and at
whose feet it is our special privilege to sit. (Cheers.) It is all of
seventeen years since Mr. Frechette gave to the public, in a little
book, the best fruits of his youthful muse, but those early efforts of
his mind gave abundant promise of future excellence and hope, - a
promise which has since been admirably and delightfully fulfilled. I
cannot tell you how proud we all feel, - we who speak the English
tongue, alike with you who utter the liquid and mellow language of
Beranger and De Musset, - that the "Forty Immortals" of Mother France,
recognized in Mr. Frechette, - what all of us knew before, - that he was
a tender and graceful poet, and that his work is as pure and sweet as
anything to be found in the lyric poetry of our time.