[291] It crossed the St Charles a little higher than the Marine Hospital,
exactly at the foot of Crown Street.
[292] A small bridge supported on masonry has since been built on this
spot, exactly across the main road, at Brown's mills, Beauport.
[293] The Great River. Such was the name the Lorette Huron Indians
pressed Hon. Mr. Panet to take when they elected him their honorary chief.
[294] A famous Chasseur of Lake St. Charles.
[295] Robert Buchanan's fine lines describe well the sudden coming of
"Then, with a gust,
Old Winter tumbled shrieking from the hills,
His white Hair flowing in the wind."
[296] Emma Duchesnay, wife of Robt. LeMoine, Esq., Ottawa, was the last
born there.
[297] Beauport Church, it is said, was built on this Fief du Buisson.
[298] "Une chandelle faite avec la graisse d'un pendu."
[299] Le mot chirurgien - qui etait la profession de Gifart, se presente
naturellement, mais l'article manque....Oh! le C, si c'etait un R? plus de
doute l'affaire serait claire.
[300] NOTE. - In a parliamentary Document of 1852, it is stated to have
been conceded on 15th January, 1634.
[301] By an ordinance of the Special Council, obtained through Sir Poulet
Thompson, in the troublous times of 1838-41, these gentlemen made safe
their well-beloved charter.