Fox-hunting in Canada.
France, condition of, in 1760.
Franciscan Friars. See Recollets.
Franklin, Benjamin, appointed Commissioner to Canada;
said to have printed prospectus of Quebec Gazette;
Deputy Postmaster-General for the British Colonies.
Fraser, Captain Malcolm, gives the alarm before the American assault on
Frechette, L. H., notice of;
account of dinner given to.
French who remained in Quebec in 1629.
French refugees of Oxford, Mass.
French empire in America;
victories preceding conquest of Canada.
Friponne, La, Bigot's warehouse.
Frontenac, Governor, where interred;
his heart sent to his widow;
Galt, John, father of Sir A. T. Galt, notice of;
founder of several cities.
Gas Company's wharf, a public promenade in 1750.
Garneau, F. X, cited.
Gates of Quebec, formerly closed at gun-fire;
St. John's;
St. Louis.
Gazette, the Quebec, founded;
prospectus printed by Franklin;
first number described;
centenary number;
extinction of;
successive editors;
relict of first press used by.
General Hospital, founded;
Arnold carried to
erection of.
George, James, suggests Harbour improvements.
Giffard, first seigneur of Beauport;
first habitant;
taken prisoner by the English.
Gobert, Francois, remains of General Montgomery laid in his house.
Golf Club.
Gomin road, origin of name.
Gosford wooden railway.
Governors buried in Quebec;
list of.
Grand Allee;
only road to Sillery.
Grande Hermine, La, Cartier's flag-ship.
Graving Dock at Levi, first stone laid;
dimensions of.
"Great Eastern" steamship, at Quebec.
Hairdresser, fashionable, in the last century.
Haldimand Castle, corner stone laid;
used as a Normal School;
improperly styled the Old Chateau;
incident during its construction;
first grand reception held in;
remains of Duke of Richmond laid in state in;
described by Weld;
wing erected;
most ancient portion;
transferred to Province of Quebec.