Montmorency Falls, called La Vache;
compared to Chaudiere Falls.
Montpetit, A. N., honorary chief of Lorette Indians.
Montreal, capitulates to Americans;
arrival of colonists for;
Hotel Dieu founded;
founded by DeMaisonneuve;
'Beaver Hall' Club at;
note: has largest bell in America.
Monument to Wolfe and Montcalm, corner stone laid;
note: to Father Masse;
to Montcalm, application of French to erect;
erected where Wolfe fell;
des Braves, Prince Napoleon Bonaparte presents statue for;
when erected;
de la Temperance;
to victims of rebellion of 1837.
Moodie, Mrs., description of Quebec.
Morrin College.
Morris, John, Postmaster-General.
Mount Carmel.
Mount Hermon Cemetery;
monument to Lieut. Baines in.
Mount Lilac, Beauport.
Mountain, first Protestant Bishop of Quebec;
the family of.
Mountain Hill, constructed;
Murray, General, appropriates Jesuits' College for barracks;
warrant issued by,
defeated by Levis;
residence at Belmont;
served at Fontenoy;
Governor of Quebec.
Negro, sale of a.
Neilson, Hon. John, notice of.
Neilson, Samuel.
Nelson, Admiral, in Quebec;
admirer of Miss Simpson.
Nelson, John, nephew of Sir T. Temple.
Neptune Inn, its statue of Neptune.
Neuville, Seigniory of.
Neville, Miss.
New York, plan for conquest of.
Newspapers, first in Canada and Nova Scotia.
Niagara Falls, earliest mention of.
Notary, first in Canada.
Observatory, Provincial.
Oneidas, an Iroquois nation.
Onondagas, an Iroquois nation.
Ononthio, meaning of.
Original, L', French ship sunk at Quebec.
Orphan Asylum, Female.
Oxford, Mass., French refugees.
Palace Ward.
Panet, Bishop.
Papineau, Amedee, account of visit to Chateau Bigot.
Papineau, Hon. L. J., visits Chateau Bigot.
Parkman, Francis, description of French empire in America;
foundation of Quebec;
session of Superior Council;
hanging of Mohawk Chief;
Fort and Chateau St. Louis;
D'Argenson's arrival;
Tracy's arrival;
DeCallieres' plan for conquest of New York.
Parliament Building, burnt;
description of the new.
Paterson, Peter, notice of.
Pean, Captain Hugues;
to whom married;
notice of.
Pean, Madame.
Peltrie, Madame de la, founder of Ursulines Convent;
her heart deposited in Jesuits' Church.
Perceval, M. H., Collector of Customs;
owner of Spencer Wood.
Perrault, Joseph F., pioneer of lay education;
description of his residence.
Perrault's Hill.
Petite Hermine, La, one of Cartier's, ships;
Phipps, Sir William, defeated.
Physicians, first in Canada.
Pieskurit, an Indian chief.
Pillory, on the market place.
Pitt, William, cited.
Place d'Armes.
Plains of Abraham, former extent of;
derivation of name;
ascent to, said to have been indicated by DeVitre or Stobo;
by Cugnet;
Wolfe's landing and occupation of.
Plains of Abraham, Battle of the, date of;
various estimates of troops engaged;
position of forces;
anecdotes of;
described by Carlyle;
flight of the French.
Plessis, Bishop, builds St. Roch's Church.
Poem, first French, issued in Canada.
Pointe a Carcy.
Pointe a Puiseaux, called Cape Diamond by Champlain;
after whom named;
view from.
Poncet, Father, captured by Iroquois.