Bressani, Father, captured by Iroquois,
Brewery, erected by Talon;
converted into prison;
situate near site of Boswell's brewery;
at Sillery.
Bridge, Dorchester, built.
British troops, departure of.
Brown and Gilmore, founders of Quebec Gazette.
Bruyante, River, see Etchemin.
Bulmer, J. H., description of Quebec.
Burgoyne, Captain, at Quebec.
Burton, Sir F. N., Lieut.-Governor.
Burying Ground, cholera.
See Cemetery.
Butler, Captain W. F., description of Quebec
Buttes a Nepveu, scene of French victory;
criminals formerly executed there;
La Corriveau executed there.
Cadet, one of Bigot's confederates, notice of
Caldwell, Henry, Receiver-General
Caldwell, Sir John, Receiver-General;
note, his mills at Etchemin.
Caleches, mentioned in 1761.
Canada, colonization of;
Administration of justice in;
slavery in;
society in the last century;
invaded by Americans;
Voltaire's allusion to;
its loss, how viewed in France;
arms of;
seal of;
dates of events in history of;
list of Governors of.
Canadian writers, names of.
Canadien, Le newspaper, its printer imprisoned.
Canardiere, La, name given to Beauport Flats.
Canon de Bronze, Le.
Cap Blanc.
Cape Diamond, called Mont du Gas;
Pointe a Puiseaux, so called by Champlain.
Cap Rouge;
Roberval winters at;
Jacques Cartier winters at;
Cramahe resides at.
Carcy, Pointe a.
Carignan regiment;
its service in Hungary.
Carillon, battle of.
Carleton, Governor Guy, returns to Quebec.
Carlyle, Thomas, describes capture of Quebec.
Caron, Lieut.-Governor, receives address from Lorette Indians.
Cartier, Jacques, winters on banks of the St. Charles;
names of his ships;
met by Donnacona;
captures and takes to France, two Indians;
passes second winter at Cap Rouge;
account of his voyage to Canada;
his Journal cited;
old print of his departure from Quebec;
list of his officers and crew;
discovery of remains of his vessel, "La Petite Hermine."
Cartier, Sir G. E.
Casgrain, Abbe, cited.
Cathedral, Roman Catholic, destroyed.
Cattle, exportation of, to Europe.
Cavalry, Captain Bell's, troop of;
muster roll of;
statement of last survivor of.
Cayugas, an Iroquois nation.
Cemetery, old;
Mount Hermon;
St. Charles;
Centenary celebration of Montgomery's defeat.
Cents Associes, Company of the.
Chambly, Fort, surrendered to Americans;
formerly Fort St. Louis.
Champlain, Samuel de, founder of Quebec;
his dwelling;
surrenders Quebec;
place of interment;
plot against;
returns to Quebec;
place of interment unknown;
Champlain Ward.
Chapel, first which served as parish church.
Chandler, Captain, seigneur of Nicolet.
Charlesbourg, captured by Americans;
American prisoners at;
French retreat towards;
called Bourg Royal;
several Quebecers retire to, in 1775.
Charlevoix, cited.
Chateau Bigot;
other names of;
probably built by Talon;
acquired by Bigot;
subsequent owners of;
present state of ruins;
how to reach;
Amedee Papineau's account of visit to;
its legend;
refugees from Quebec at, in 1759;
letter written from, during American invasion.
Chateau St. Louis;
described by Kalm;
by Kirby;
meeting place of Superior Council;
described in Hawkins' "Picture of Quebec";
by Bouchette;
by Parkman;
too small;
foundation of Quebec Agricultural Society in;
described by Weld;
repaired and enlarged;
first meeting of Literary and Historical Society held in;
proposed reconstruction.
Chateauguay battle, of.
Chaudiere, Falls of the, how reached;
compared with Montmorency.
Chauveau, P. J. O., description of Quebec;
Quebec fifty years ago;
the battles of the Plains.
Chien d' Or, Le.
Cholera, Asiatic, visits Quebec;
Christie, Robert, cited;
his history noticed;
his epitaph.
"Chronicle, Quebec Morning," building.
Church, first in Canada built by Recollets.
Churches: - Basilica;
French Protestant;
Notre Dame;
Notre Dame des Anges;
Notre Dame de la Garde;
Notre Dame des Victoires;
St. Andrews;
St. Columbia (Sillery);
St. John's;
St. Mathew's;
St. Michael's (Sillery);
St. Roch's;
Citadel, escape of Theller and Dodge from;
proposed capture of.
Clavery, in charge of "La Friponne".
Clubs: - "Beef Steak," first in Quebec;
name changed;
prominent members of;
places of meeting;
"Beaver Club," at Montreal.
Coffin, Colonel cited.
Conroy, Bishop, the Pope's Ablegate.
Convent, first in Canada;
of Jesus-Marie.
Convent Cove, at Sillery.
Corriveau, La, hanged in iron cage;
cage sold to Barnum.
Country seats about Quebec:
Bandon Lodge.
Battlefield Cottage.
Bleak House.
Cap Rouge Cottage.
Castor Ville.
Coucy le-Castel.
Elm Grove.
Ferguson's House.
Highlands, the.
Holland House.
L'Asyle Champetre.
Montague Cottage.
Morton Lodge.
Mount Lilac.
Sillery House.
Sous les Bois.
Spencer Grange.
Spencer Wood.
Court House burnt;
Craig, Sir James, resides at Spencer Wood;
correspondence with H. W. Ryland;
deputes H. W. Ryland to England.
Cramahe, Lieut.-Governor,
residence at Cap Rouge;
plundered by American troops.
Crown Point, captured by Americans.
Crucifix outrage in Hotel Dieu;
annual service in memory of.
Cugnet, informed Wolfe how to ascend to Plains of Abraham.
Custom House, the old.
D'Aillebout, Governor, builds fort for Indians;
protects the Hurons.
D'Argenson, Governor, arrival of;
quarrels with Laval.
Dauphin prison, American prisoners in.
D'Auteuil, Attorney-General.
D'Avaugour, Governor, succeeds D'Argenson.
Death sentences carried into effect at Quebec.
DeBerey, Father Felix.
DeBreboeuf, martyrdom of.
DeCaen, Emery.
DeCallieres, Governor, buried in Quebec;
plan for conquest of New York.
DeCourcelles, Governor, commands expedition against the Indians.
DeGaspe, P. A., description of fete champetre;
at Spencer Wood.
DeLery, old residence of seigneurs;
presented at Court;
saying of George III.
DeMeules, Intendant, builds Intendant's Palace.
Denonville, Governor.
DeRamezay, commander of Quebec;
his Chateau in Montreal.
DeSalaberry, Colonel, in command of Voltigeurs;
residence on Beauport road.
DeSalampar, accompanies DeCourcelles against Indians.
Deschambault, French ladies captured by the English at.
Deschenaux, secretary to Bigot, notice of.
DeVergor, Captain, in charge of French post on Plains of Abraham;
treason imputed to.
DeVitre, Denis, said to have pointed out Wolfe's landing place;
pilots the English fleet to Quebec.
Dickens, Charles, description of Quebec;
Dilke, Sir Charles, description of Quebec.
Dodge, escapes from Citadel.
Dollard Desormeaux and his companions save the colony.
Domagaya, an Indian kidnapped by Jacques Cartier.
Donnacona, Chief of Stadacona, meets Jacques Cartier.