In the year 1851, the system of cheap postage was tried in Canada, the
rate being reduced from an average one of fifteen cents to a uniform rate
of five cents for prepaid and seven cents for unpaid letters. In the
following year this reform resulted in doubling the number of letters
carried, with the reduction of only one-third of the previous revenue; and
in a short time the receipts not only increased to the former figure but
greatly exceeded it. Under the new system we expect this reform in the
charge for postage will be greatly extended." - (Quebec Mercury.)
[See page 263.]
"L'Ordre newspaper announces the completion of the monument in the
Cote des Neiges Cemetery to the memory of the victims of 1837-38. It
required many efforts and great energy to bring to a completion a work
which had unhappily encountered many difficulties. For some months,
furnished with sums collected either by a special or general subscription,
or the proceeds of concerts and pleasure excursions, the Committee applied
themselves to the work, and on Sunday they went to take possession from
Mr. T. Fahrland, architect, and Mr. L. Hughes, the constructor of the
monument. The inauguration will take place next summer.
Situated on the highest elevation of the Cemetery, this monument commands
the vast resting place of the dead. It is of octagonal shape, 55 feet in
height, the pyramid reposing on a base of 80 by 90 feet. The architecture,
stern and grand, strikes the beholder at a distance, and his admiration
will not cease as he approaches. On the four sides of the base white
marble tablets are set, having neatly engraved on them these inscriptions
(in French):
On the first stone, facing the road, we read:
To the
Political Victims
Religious Souvenir
The 92 Resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Lower Canada,
March 1st, 1834
Subsidies refused by the Assembly of Lower Canada, Feb 23rd, 1836.
Lord Gosford
Disposes of the Public Money notwithstanding the refusal to grant it.
This religious and historical monument has been erected under the auspices
of the Institut Canadien in 1858.
Contractor. Architect
On the second stone:
23rd and 25th Nov., 1837.
Charles Ovide Perrault, Advocate, M.P.P.
Charles St. Germain Benjamin Bouthillier Olivier L'Escaut
Francois Dufaux Romain dit Mandeville Joseph Comeau
Andre Mandeville Moise Pariseau Henri Chaume
Eusebe Phaneuf Pascal Delisle Louis Dauphinais
Pierre Minet Marie Anne Martel Gabriel Lusignan
Joseph Dudevoir Amable Hebert Toussaint Paquet
Antoine Amiot J. Bte. Hebert Marc Jeannotte
J. Bte. Patenaude Toussaint Loiselle Francois Dubuc
Cleophas Bourgeois Francois Dumaine Hypolite Senecal-Lamoureux
Pierre Emery-Coderre,
And eleven other victims not identified.
On the third stone, facing the city:
By the order of the Court Martial.
The 21st December, 1838,
Joseph Narcisse Cardinal, Notary, M. P. P.
Joseph Duquet, Student at Law.
The 18th January, 1839:
Francois Marie Thomas Chevalier de Lorimier, Notary.
Francois Nicholas, Teacher, Amable Daunais, Farmer.
Pierre Remi Narbonne, Painter. Charles Hendelang, Soldier.
And on the fourth side we read:
15th December, 1837:
Jean Olivier Cherrier, M.D.
(His ashes repose here.)
Joseph Payette Amable Lauzon Alexis Lachance
J. B. L. Lanze Jean Morin Joseph Leduc
Nazaire Filion Jean Dore Eustache Lafleur
Seraphine Dore Joseph Guitard Augustin Dore
Francois Dube Pierre Dabeau Pierre Gatien
J. Gauthier dit Larouche Joseph Bonviette J. B. Lebrun
J. B. Campeau J. B. Toupin Louis Robert dit Fache
Their remains as well as those of several other persons, not identified,
rest in the cemeteries of St. Eustache and Ste. Scholastique.
Engagement at Odelltown,
November, 1838;
To the Number of Victims found:
Of St. Philippe.
It is a holy and salutary thought, to pray for the dead:
M. LII, Ch. 12, v. 46.
The fine monument has cost $3,000 to $4,000, and many efforts were
required to realize this sum. The execution does great credit to Messrs.
Fehrland and Hughes. The names of the committee who contributed to produce
this result, are as follows: Dr. Coderre, chairman; Mr. R. Trudeau,
treasurer; Mr. C. O. Perrault, secretary; Messrs. L. A. Dessaulles, Henry
Lacroix, A. H. Morin, Joseph Doutre, N. Bourbonniere and Gonzalve
Doutre." - (Quebec Mercury.)
(Sentence du Conseil Souverain du Samedy, septieme avril 1691.)
(Extrait par T. P. Bedard, archiviste provincial - Quebec.)
Le Conseil assemble ou estoient;
Monsieur le gouverneur et Monsieur l'intendant
Maistres Louis Rouer de Villeray, primier conseiller -+
" Mathieu Damours Deschampen |
" Nicolas Dupont de Neuville + Conseillers
" Jean Baptiste Depeiras |
" Charles Denys de Vitray -+
Et Francois de la Magdeleine Ruette d'Auteil, procureur general du Roy.
Veu par le Conseil le proces criminel extraordinairement fait et instruit
a la requete du procureur general du Roy, demandeur et accusateur
allencontre de Pierre de Noyan et Guillaume de Lorimier, capitaine dans le
detachement de la marine que sa majeste entretient en ce pays, defendeurs
et accuses. Information faite contre les dits accuses, les 25, 27 et 28
fevrier dernier, decrets d'ajournement personel allencontre deux donne le
cinq mars ensuivant; exploits de signification faite a leur auberge le
neuvieme ensuivant; autres exploits de signification faite au quartier ou
est la compagnie du dit de Lorimier le 16 ensuivant, et en la ville des 3
R. au domicile du dit de Noyan quartier de sa compagnie du 15 du mesme
mois, arrest du 27 ensuivant rendu sur requete du dit de Lorimier,
certificat du chirurgien major du dit detachement sur requisitoire du dit
procureur general, le dit arrest portant que le dit sieur Noyan seroit
incessamment interroge, et ensuite le dit sieur de Lorimier en son
domicile ou le conseiller commissaire se transportera a cet effet.
Interrogatoires des dits de Noyan et de Lorimier du 29 du dit mois,
contenant leurs reconnaissances, confessions et denegations.