(P. 134)
[ and make Euquiries therein, when, at least, ]
changed to:
[ and make Enquiries therein, when, at least, ]
(the ol' upside-down "n" error.)
(p. 136)
(from the list of Water Fowl)
[ Whifflers. ]
changed to:
[ Whistlers. ]
(in accordance with the text about them that follows.)
(p. 137)
(from the list of Water Fowl)
[ Men. ]
changed to:
[ Mew. ]
(in accordance with the text about them that follows.)
(p. 151)
[ {Swaddle-Bills.} ]
inserted before:
[ Swaddle-Bills are a sort of an ash-colour'd Duck, ]
(This follows the paragraph on Tutcocks, precedes that on Mew,
and the absence of this or similar side-note seems to be accidental.)
(p. 165)
[ although their be Water enough for as large Ships ]
changed to:
[ although there be Water enough for as large Ships ]
(p. 189)
[ Their Remedies area great Cause of this Easiness ]
changed to:
[ Their Remedies are a great Cause of this Easiness ]
(p. 194)
[ and so strung, as Beds are, and a Cubit ]
changed to:
[ and so strung, as Beads are, and a Cubit ]
(p. 203)
[ that is common amongst them, If they are caught in theft ]
changed to:
[ that is common amongst them. If they are caught in theft ]
In "An Account of the Indians of North-Carolina", the side-notes
do not always perfectly match the text in the original. In this edition,
an attempt has been made to match them to the relevent text.
The most notable changes are:
p. 204, side note {Get Fire.} has been omitted, as at the end of p. 203
there is the note {Get Fire how.} which refers to the same text,
which is only broken by the turn of a page.