A New Voyage To Carolina, By John Lawson


The Hair of their Heads is made into a long Roll like a Horses Tail,
and bound round with Ronoak - Page 275
A New Voyage To Carolina, By John Lawson - Page 275 of 377 - First - Home

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The Hair Of Their Heads Is Made Into A Long Roll Like A Horses Tail, And Bound Round With Ronoak Or Porcelan, Which Is A Sort Of Beads They Make Of The Conk-Shells.

Others that have not this, make a Leather-String serve.

{Indian Mens Habit.} The Indian Men have a Match-Coat of Hair, Furs, Feathers, or Cloth, as the Women have. Their Hair is roll'd up, on each Ear, as the Womens, only much shorter, and oftentimes a Roll on the Crown of the Head, or Temples, which is just as they fancy; there being no Strictness in their Dress. Betwixt their Legs comes a Piece of Cloth, that is tuck'd in by a Belt both before and behind. This is to hide their Nakedness, of which Decency they are very strict Observers, although never practised before the Christians came amongst them. They wear Shooes, of Bucks, and sometimes Bears Skin, which they tan in an Hour or two; with the Bark of Trees boil'd, wherein they put the Leather whilst hot, and let it remain a little while, whereby it becomes so qualify'd, as to endure Water and Dirt, without growing hard. These have no Heels, and are made as fit for the Feet, as a Glove is for the Hand, and are very easie to travel in, when one is a little us'd to them. {Indians washing in the River.} When these Savages live near the Water, they frequent the Rivers in Summer-time very much, where both Men and Women very often in a day go in naked to wash themselves, though not both Sexes together.

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