But to return to the Water-Fowl.
Fishermen are like a Duck, but have a narrow Bill, with Setts of Teeth.
They live on very small Fish, which they catch as they swim along.
They taste Fishy. The best way to order them, is, upon occasion,
to pull out the Oil-Box from the Rump, and then bury them five or six Hours
under Ground. Then they become tolerable.
Of Divers there are two sorts; the one pied, the other gray; both good Meat.
Raft-Fowl includes all the sorts of small Ducks and Teal,
that go in Rafts along the Shoar, and are of several sorts,
that we know no Name for.
These are a whitish Fowl, about the Bigness of a Brant;
they come to us after Christmas, in very great Flocks, in all our Rivers.
They are a very good Meat, but hard to kill, because hard to come near.
They will dive and endure a great deal of Shot.
Red-Heads, a lesser Fowl than Bull-Necks, are very sweet Food,
and plentiful in our Rivers and Creeks.