{Summer Duck.}
We have another Duck that stays with us all the Summer.
She has a great Topping, is pied, and very beautiful. She builds her Nest
in a Wood-pecker's Hole, very often sixty or seventy Foot high.
{Whistling Duck.}
Towards the Mountains in the hilly Country, on the West-Branch
of Caip-Fair Inlet, we saw great Flocks of pretty pied Ducks,
that whistled as they flew, or as they fed. I did not kill any of them.
{Scarlet Ey'd Duck.}
We kill'd a curious sort of Ducks, in the Country of the Esaw-Indians,
which were of many beautiful Colours. Their Eyes were red,
having a red Circle of Flesh for their Eye-lids; and were very good to eat.
The Blue-Wings are less than a Duck, but fine Meat. These are the first Fowls
that appear to us in the Fall of the Leaf, coming then in great Flocks,
as we suppose, from Canada, and the Lakes that lie behind us.
Widgeons, the same as in Europe, are here in great Plenty.
{Teal two sorts.}
We have the same Teal, as in England, and another sort
that frequents the Fresh-Water, and are always nodding their Heads.
They are smaller than the common Teal, and dainty Meat.
Shovellers (a sort of Duck) are gray, with a black Head.
They are a very good Fowl.