Southampton to New York -
First class, L14 to L23. Second class, L10.
5. - The American Line. Liverpool to New York -
Second class, L6. Third class, L3 16s.
Steamers leave Southampton, Liverpool, Glasgow, and Queenstown, thus
being convenient respectively for passengers from the north or south of
England, from Scotland, or from Ireland.
Steamers run from this country to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, or
Baltimore, but New York is the best port for Merced.
Copy of Letter from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company.
"Our fares from New York to Merced, via New Orleans, are: - 1st class,
unlimited, L19 19s. 0d.; limited, L18 4s. 7d.; 2nd class, L12 8s. 4d.;
3rd class, L12 2s. 9d., all rail; L11 1s. 11d. by steamer to New
Orleans, and thence rail, food, and sleeping berth on steamer included.
The charges for sleeping car berths are: - 1st class, 22 dollars; 2nd
class from New Orleans, 3 dollars. There are no 2nd class sleepers to
New Orleans, except on the fortnightly excursion trains from Cincinnati,
leaving that city January 7th and 21st, February 4th and 18th; March 4th
and 18th; April 8th and 22nd, etc. The charge from Cincinnati is 4
dollars 50 cents. Third class passengers can travel in 2nd class
sleepers upon payment of the usual charge.