Dols. dols.
Land, 3,000 dols., cash, balance credit 1000
House and barn 500
Horses 150
Cow 50
Poultry 25
Provisions, sundries, etc 100
Furniture and tools 150
Sundry expenses 100
Waggon and horses 150
dols. 2,225
But ordinarily, this is too little, as the planting of the land cannot
be proceeded with at once, and work must be procured among the
neighbours, etc.
The estimates, were furnished us by Professor Eisen, who remarked that,
probably, in giving estimates all persons would vary somewhat, but
these, and other estimates which he gave, are really more than
estimates, because they are the actual results of past experiences.
Received January 20th, 1891.
Professor Eisen writes: - "I am of opinion that these lands (British
Colony, Merced) are amongst the very best in the State for raisins;
still, as I explained to you, I do not advise any one to put his whole
interest in the raisin industry, as the market for this Fruit is
limited. For other dried fruit, especially for prunes (French plums),
apricots, peaches, and nectarines, the market is practically unlimited,
and as our population increases yearly 1,500,000 people, it will be seen
that our markets must extend as well, even after we have driven all
foreign Fruits out of our home markets. As regards the adaptability of
the land of British Colony for various Fruits, I can say that they are
especially adapted to the prune (French plums) and peaches for drying
and canning, olives for olive oil and pickling; also for oranges. You
can see how the orange thrives in the city of Merced and surroundings,
or in localities exactly like those of British Colony lands, and there
can be no doubt that oranges and lemons will prove very profitable in
British Colony. Olives will especially do well there. The British Colony
lands I consider as exceptionally rich and fertile, and there are few,
if any, equal to them in this State or anywhere else."
The prices in California of young Fruit trees for planting, for the
season 1890-91, are given as follows: -
Prunes (like French plums) 25 to 30 per 100
Plums and other prunes 15 "
Apricots 20 "
Peaches, from 15 to 17.50 "
Olives (layers) 20 "
Olives, grafted 40 to 60 "
Pears 18 "
Oranges, best kinds 70 to 100 "
Shade trees 50 "
Grape-vines (raisins) 12 "
Persimmons 15 "
Walnuts, from 15 to 35 "
The Fruit trees enumerated above would begin to bear the second year,
but only the fourth year would they bear any considerable amount; the
fifth and sixth years they would come into good bearing, and should then
yield a profit of, say, from 100 to 350 dollars per acre. At seven years
the orchard should be in full bearing, and never yield less than 150,
and, possibly, 450 dollars per acre. Instances have been known when
prunes, peaches, and pears have produced from 750 to 1,500 dollars per
acre clear profit.