With them might liue together with vs, bee made
partakers of his truth & serue him in righteousnes; but notwitstanding
in such sort, that wee referre that as all other thinges, to bee done
according to his diuine will & pleasure, ad as by his wisedome he had
ordained to be best. [Yet]
Yet because the effect fell out so sodainly and shortly after according
to their desires, they thought neuertheless it came to passe by our
meanes, and that we in vsing such speeches vnto them did but dissemble
in the matter, and therefore came vnto vs to giue vs thankes in their
manner that although wee satisfied them not in promise, yet in deedes
and effect we had fulfilled their desires.
This maruelous accident in all the countrie wrought so strange opinions
of vs, that some people could not tel whether to think vs gods or men,
and the rather because that all the space of their sicknesse, there was
no man of ours knowne to die, or that was specially sicke: they noted
also that we had no women amongst vs, neither that we did care for any
of theirs.
Some therefore were of opinion that wee were not borne of women, and
therefore not mortall, but that wee were men of an old generation many
yeeres past then risen againe to immortalitie.