Sometime they mingle of the wheate with them. Sometime also
beeing whole soddeu, they bruse or pound them in a morter, & thereof
make loaues or lumps of dowishe bread, which they vse to eat for
'Macocqwer', according to their seuerall formes called by vs,
'Pompions', 'Mellions', and 'Gourdes', because they are of the like
formes as those kindes in England. In 'Virginia' such of seuerall formes
are of one taste and very good, and do also spring from one seed. There
are of two sorts; one is ripe in the space of a moneth, and the other in
two moneths.
There is an hearbe which in Dutch is called 'Melden'. Some of those that
I describe it vnto, take it to be a kinde of Orage; it groweth about
foure or fiue foote high: of the seede thereof they make a thicke broth,
and pottage of a very good taste: of the stalke by burning into ashes
they make a kinde of salt earth, wherewithall many vse sometimes to
season their brothes; other salte they knowe not. Wee our selues, vsed
the leaues also for pothearbes.
There is also another great hearbe in forme of a Marigolde, about sixe
foote in height; the head with the floure is a spanne in breadth.