of our companie; a man of skill in such matters, had gathered to gether
from among the sauage people aboute fiue thousande: of which number he
chose so many as made a fayre chaine, which for their likenesse and
vniformitie in roundnesse, orientnesse, and pidenesse of may excellent
colours, with equalitie in greatnesse, were verie fayer and rare; and
had therefore beene presented to her Maiestie, had wee not by casualtie
and through extremity of a storme, lost them with many things els in
comming away from the countrey.
'Sweete Gummes.'
Sweete Gummes of diuers kindes and many other Apothecary drugges of
which wee will make speciall mention, when wee shall receiue it from
such men of skill in that kynd, that in taking reasonable paines shall
discouer them more particularly then wee haue done; and than now I can
makc relation of, for want of the examples I had prouited and gathered,
and are nowe lost. with other thinges by causualtie before mentioned.
'Dyes of diuers kindes.'
There is Shoemake well knowen, and vsed in England for blacke; the seede
of an hearbe called Wasewowr; little small rootes called Chappacor; and
the barke of the tree called by the inhabitaunts Tangomockonomindge:
which Dies are for diuers sortes of red: