In our trauailes, there was founde one to haue beene killed by a saluage
or inhabitant: and in an other place the smell where one or more had
lately beene before: whereby we gather besides then by the relation of
the people that there are some in the countrey: good profite will rise
by them.
In two places of the countrey specially, one about fourescore and the
other sixe score miles from the Fort or place where wee dwelt: wee
founde neere the water side the ground to be rockie, which by the triall
of a minerall man, was founde to holde Iron richly. It is founde in
manie places of the countrey else. I knowe nothing to the contrarie, but
that it maie bee allowed for a good marchantable commoditie, considering
there the small charge for the labour and feeding of men: the infinite
store of wood: the want of wood and deerenesse thereof in England: & the
necessity of ballasting of shippes.
A hundred and fiftie miles into the maine in two townes wee founde with
the inhabitaunts diuerse small plates of copper, that had beene made as
wee vnderstood, by the inhabitantes that dwell farther into the
countrey: where as they say are mountaines and Riuers that yeelde also
whyte graynes of Mettall, which is to bee deemed Siluer. For
confirmation whereof at the time of our first arriuall in the Countrey,
I sawe with some others with mee, two small peeces of siluer grosly
beaten about the weight of a Testrone, hangyng in the eares of a Wiroans
or chiefe Lorde that dwelt about fourescore myles from vs; of whom
thorowe enquiry, by the number of dayes and the way, I learned that it
had come to his handes from the same place or neere, where I after
vnderstood the copper was made and the white graynes of mettall founde.
The aforesaide copper wee also founde by triall to holde siluer.