For English corne neuertheles whether to vse or not to vse it, you that
inhabite maie do as you shall haue farther cause to thinke best. Of the
grouth you need not to doubt: for barlie, oates and peaze, we haue seene
proof of, not beeing purposely [b 4] sowen but fallen casually in the
worst sort of ground, and yet to be as faire as any we haue euer seene
here in England. But of wheat because it was musty and hat taken salt
water wee could make no triall: and of rye we had none. Thus much haue I
digressed and I hope not vnnecessarily: nowe will I returne againe to my
course and intreate of that which yet remaineth appertaining to this
There is an herbe which is sowed a part by it selfe & is called by the
inhabitants Vppowoc: In the West Indies it hath diuers names, according
to the seuerall places & countries where it groweth and is vsed: The
Spaniardes generally call it Tobacco. The leaues thereof being dried and
brought into powder: they vse to take the fume or smoke thereof by
sucking it through pipes made of claie into their stomacke and heade;
from whence it purgeth superfluous fleame & other grosse humors, openeth
all the pores & passages of the body: by which meanes the vse thereof,
not only preserueth the body from obstructios; but also if any be, so
that they haue not beene of too long continuance, in short time breaketh
them: wherby their bodies are notably preserued in health, & know not
many greeuous diseases wherewithall wee in England are oftentimes
The Vppowoc us of so precious estimation amongest then, that they thinke
their gods are maruelously delighted therwith: Wherupon sometime they
make hallowed fires & cast some of the pouder therein for a sacrifice:
being in a storme vppon the waters, to pacifie their gods, they cast
some vp into the aire and into the water: so a weare for fish being
newly set vp, they cast some therein and into the aire: also after an
escape of danger, they cast some into the aire likewise: but all done
with strange gestures, stamping, somtime dauncing, clapping of hands,
holding vp of hands, & staring vp into rhe heauens, vttering therewithal
and chattering strange words & noises.
We ourselues during the time we were there vsed to suck it after their
maner, as also since our returne, & haue found manie rare and wonderful
experiments of the vertues thereof; of which the relation woulde require
a volume by it selfe: the vse of it by so manie of late, men & women of
great calling as else, and some learned Phisitions also, is sufficient
And these are all the commodities for sustenance of life that I know and
can remember they vse to husband: