That vessel pursues a circuitous route along the
coast, among the picturesque islands; the trip suggesting quite forcibly
the St. Lawrence with its Thousand Isles, as old Neptune is fortunately
in amiable mood, and shows a smiling countenance. So we have no grudge
to lay up against him, and only pictures tinged with couleur-de-rose
to carry away with us.
As it is our custom to come to these New England shores every summer, in
order, as Jim says, to get salted so that we may keep well through the
winter (by which you need not infer that we "get into a pickle"), we
commence the process at this place, before proceeding to more Northerly
As the "dry spell" has made the roads so dusty that there is little
pleasure in driving, and our horses are at present in the stables of our
Chateaux-en-Espagne, and consequently not available this warm evening,
we gather on the porch to be entertained by the learned converse of the
professors, until an approaching storm drives us in-doors. Within the
"shooting box", as the young man who has traveled christens the house, -
thinking that an appropriate title for a domicile where so many members
of the Hunt family are collected, - there is a motley assembly, as they
gather around the sitting room table.