Voyage Of The Paper Canoe, By N. H. Bishop

 -   During the process of its construction,
suitable rabbets are cut to receive the lower 
keelson, the two inwales, and the - Page 58
Voyage Of The Paper Canoe, By N. H. Bishop - Page 58 of 310 - First - Home

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During The Process Of Its Construction, Suitable Rabbets Are Cut To Receive The Lower Keelson, The Two Inwales, And The

Bow and stern deadwoods, which, being put in position, are worked off so that their surfaces are flush with that

Of the model, and forming, as it were, an integral part of it. It being important that these parts should, in the completed boat, be firmly attached to the skin, their surface is, at this part of the process, covered with a suitable adhesive preparation.

"The model is now ready to be covered with paper. Two kinds are used: that made from the best Manila, and that prepared from pure unbleached linen stock; the sheets being the full length of the model, no matter what that may be. If Manila paper is used, the first sheet is dampened, laid smoothly on the model, and securely fastened in place by tacking it to certain rough strips attached to its upper face. Other sheets are now superposed on this and on each other, and suitably cemented together; the number depending upon the size of the boat and the stiffness required. If linen paper is used, but one sheet is employed, of such weight and dimensions that, when dry, it will give just the thickness of skin necessary. Should the surface of the model be concave in parts, as in the run of boats with square sterns for instance, the paper is made to conform to these surfaces by suitable convex moulds, which also hold the paper in place until, by drying, it has taken and will retain the desired form.

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