{28} Along the Coast, and in other parts of Africa, the coarser,
flat-sided kinds of banana are usually called plantains, the name
banana being reserved for the finer sorts, such as the little
"silver banana."
{37} From Point Limbok, the seaward extremity of Cameroons Mountain,
to Cape Horatio, the most eastern extremity of Fernando Po, the
soundings are, from the continent, 13, 17, 20, 23, 27, 29, 30, 34
fathoms; close on to the island, 35 and 29 fathoms.
{44} I am informed that the allowance made to these priests exceeds
by some pounds the revenues Spain obtains from the Island. In
Spanish possessions alone is a supporting allowance made to
missionaries though in all the other colonies they obtain a
government grant.
{47} Ten Years' Wanderings among the Ethiopians, T. J. Hutchinson.
{48a} There is difference of opinion among authorities as to whether
Fernando Po was discovered by Fernando Po or by Lopez Gonsalves.
{48b} From April 1777 till the end of 1782, 370 men out of the 547
died of fever.
{51} Porto is the Bubi name for black men who are not Bubis, these
were in old days Portuguese slaves, "Porto" being evidently a
corruption of "Portuguese," but it is used alike by the Bubi to
designate Sierra Leonian and Accras, in fact, all the outer
barbarian blacks.