Bulawan or Bou-el-Awan, "father of commodious ways or journeys," is a
small town of 300 houses, with an old castle, formerly a place of
consequence; and lying on an arm of the river Omm-Erbegh _en route_ from
Morocco to Salee and Mequinez and commanding the passage of the river.
It is 80 miles from Morocco, and 110 from Salee. On the opposite side of
the river, is the village of Taboulaunt, peopled mostly with Jews and
Soubeit is a very ancient city on the left bank of the Omm-Erbegh,
surrounded with walls, and situate twenty miles from El-Medina in a
mountainous region abounding with hares; it is inhabited by a tribe of
the same name, or probably Sbeita, which is also the name of a tribe
south of Tangier.
Meramer is a city built by the Goths on a fertile plain, near Mount
Beni-Megher, about fourteen miles east of Saffee, in the province of
Dukkala, and carrying on a great commerce in oil and grain.
El-Medina is a large walled populous city of merchants and artizans, and
capital of the district of Haskowra; the men are seditious, turbulent
and inhospitable; the women are reputed to be fair and pretty, but
disposed, when opportunity offers, to confer their favours on strangers.
There is another place four miles distant of nearly the same name.